A Summary of Non-Duality

Non-duality, often referred to as Advaita in Sanskrit, is a philosophical, spiritual, and experiential concept that suggests there is ultimately no fundamental distinction or separation between the self (Atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman) in Hindu philosophy.

It’s also found in various forms within Buddhist and Taoist traditions.

A Summary of Non-Duality

Understanding the Concept of Non-Duality

At its core, non-duality emphasizes the unity, interconnectedness, and indivisibility of all existence.

It considers that the perceived duality or multiplicity in the world is an illusion created by our limited perception and conceptual thinking.

In non-dualistic thought, the true nature of reality is considered to be beyond the grasp of conceptual understanding and language, and it can only be directly experienced through transcending dualistic modes of thought.

Who Am I?

Non-duality is often associated with profound experiences of oneness, enlightenment, or self-realization, where the individual realizes their inseparability from the totality of existence.

This realization is said to bring about a deep sense of peace, freedom from suffering, and a shift in perspective that transcends the egoic self.

Practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and contemplation are often employed to cultivate an experiential understanding of non-duality, as it is considered to be something that goes beyond mere intellectual understanding.

While non-duality can at first seem like a complex concept, its essence simply lies in the recognition of the underlying unity and interconnectedness of all things.

Final Thoughts

A non-dual understanding suggests that part of finding lasting peace and happiness is that we must know the true nature of ourselves as we essentially are.

With this view, self-knowledge is not only the means to “find” happiness, but the very experience of happiness itself.

We may be hesitant to trust or believe some of the knowledge we come across when exploring spiritual philosophies, and I have been a big skeptic most of my life.

But as the years have gone by, I’ve started to look around and question more intensely how we’ve been living in modern society.

Many of these philosophies have started to “click” for me, and I encourage anyone reading this to keep an open mind and not be afraid of the unknown.

Part of me wants to stop exploring and just be content with the understanding I have of the world as it is, but something keeps pulling me to learn more, and I know many of you may feel the same way.

Thanks for reading.

The Concept Of Non-Duality

How To Follow Our Intuition

Spirituality and Happiness

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