How To Gain Wisdom

Wisdom is a virtue that we’re unfortunately not born with, and can only be acquired through experience.

Anyone interested in trying out new things and reflecting on the process has the ability to gain wisdom.

By learning as much as we can, analyzing our experiences, and putting our knowledge to the test, we can become wiser people.

How To Gain Wisdom

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom can be defined as the capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct. It’s demonstrating soundness of judgment, especially in practical affairs.

Techniques To Develop Wisdom Over Time

  • Be open to new experiences. As mentioned, wisdom is gained through life experience.
  • Show compassion and empathy to others.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
  • Knowing when to ask for help.
  • Set a good example for others.

What Does It Mean To Gain Wisdom?

It’s the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments going forward or the next time you encounter a similar situation.

What Are Some Examples Of Wisdom?

  • If you want to be happy, stop complaining.
  • You create your own opportunities.
  • You are never as stuck as you think you are.
  • Happiness is a choice.
  • Habits develop into character.
  • Be happy with who you are.
  • Don’t seek happiness, create it.

Is Wisdom A Form Of Intelligence?

Intelligence can be defined as the ability to think logically, to conceptualize and abstract from reality, while wisdom is the ability to grasp various parts of human nature, which is paradoxical, contradictory, and subject to continual change.

Wisdom shouldn’t be confused with intelligence. Although intelligence helps, you can definitely be intelligent without being wise. Wise people tolerate uncertainty and remain optimistic that even tricky problems do have solutions.

Which Is Better Wisdom Or Intelligence?

Although both are considered valuable, intelligence may show more knowledge yet being wise displays more insight and understanding.

Intelligence is wonderful, but without wisdom, even the most intelligent people are likely to repeat mistakes of the past.

What Are Signs Of Wisdom?

  • You often consider others’ perspectives.
  • You know how much you don’t know.
  • You aren’t afraid to be real or to be vulnerable.

Can Someone Be Naturally Wise?

Contrary to popular opinion, anyone can be wise based on their skills and characteristics, and not just their years of experience. It’s more typical for the wise to be older, but it’s not a prerequisite.

How Does A Wise Person Behave?

Wise people often seek to lift others up.

Because of their ability to empathize, wise people are usually first in line to assist those in need, especially by sharing their knowledge and experiences.

They will often look beyond their personal needs and desires to find compromises that are best for everyone.

Final Thoughts

Try new things, it’s hard to gain wisdom when you stay in and do the same thing day after day. You get wiser when you put yourself out there.

Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone. If we’re afraid to do something, maybe that’s the very thing we should try to do.

Finally, try talking to people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives from yours. We can gain great wisdom from hearing the experience of others.

Thanks for reading please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

What is Wisdom?

How To Embrace Aging

What Is Stoicism?

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