Coping With A Job You Dislike

Being happy working at your job and loving what you do is an overall productivity booster, and enhances performance in our careers.

For some their job is a daily grind and can have negative consequences on their overall health and wellness outside of work.

It’s easy to say life is too short to be miserable, but when it comes to earning a living, unfortunately many of us have to endure a less desirable path at times.

Let’s talk about how to deal with a job you dislike.

Coping With A Job You Dislike

Are You Actually Supposed To Like Your Job?

As mentioned, being happy at work normally boosts productivity and enhances job performance.

People that enjoy their jobs are more likely to be optimistic, motivated, learn faster, make fewer mistakes, and make better business decisions.

Is It Normal To Dread Going To Work?

Yes, it’s very normal to dread going to work.

If you wake up and can’t bear the thought of working, take a mental health day when possible. If the feeling lasts for days, weeks, or even months, it’s probably a sign that it’s time to look for a new job.

Why Is My Job So Emotionally Draining?

There are typically legitimate reasons for emotional exhaustion at work. Long hours, a lack of appreciation, increased work demands, and job insecurity are a few factors that can cause us to feel emotional exhaustion.

Identifying the reasons for our own emotional exhaustion is important.

How Do You Know If A Job Is Too Stressful?

Stress at work is evident when we feel overwhelmed, we lose confidence and may become angry, irritable, or withdrawn.

Some other signs and symptoms of excessive stress at work include feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed. One may feel apathy, a loss of interest in their work.

How Do You Deal With A Job That Makes You Miserable?

  • Identify why you’re miserable and change what you can.
  • Shift your perspective, maybe it’s not as bad as you think.
  • Build meaning however you can.
  • Change the story you tell yourself about your career.
  • Focus on other parts of your life.
  • Embrace your smaller achievements.

What If You Hate Your Job And Can’t Quit?

  • Give yourself some time to adjust if it’s a new job.
  • Try building closer connections with your co-workers.
  • Identify the problems and try to make adjustments.
  • Improve your well-being outside of work hours.
  • Make a list of pros and cons.
  • Try talking to a mentor.
  • Try discussing your feelings with your boss if it seems appropriate.
  • Change how you think about your job.
  • Decide to find a new job.

Which Jobs Cause Burnout?

  • Teacher.
  • Retail employee.
  • Nurse.
  • Social worker.
  • Surgeon.
  • Construction worker.
  • Police officer.
  • Emergency medical technicians.
  • Customer service representative.

What Is The First Stage Of Job Burnout?

There is the onset of stress phase which leads to burnout. As this stage begins, start taking notice of any physical or mental signs. You might start to lose focus more easily or be less productive when completing tasks.

Physically, fatigue may start to set in, making it more difficult to sleep or enjoy activities outside of work.

Why Does My Job Give Me So Much Anxiety?

At some stage in our working lives, we are all likely to experience some form of anxiety at work.

Workplace anxiety is very common and can stem from several causes. The most common being tight deadlines, dealing with difficult colleagues or demanding managers, and dealing with office politics or gossip.

Should You Stay At A Miserable Job?

It’s normally not advisable to stay in a job that affects your mental health, even if it pays well.

While quitting can be the easiest and fastest way out, some people might not have that luxury. They could end up in a worse situation. But truly, no amount of money can replace your happiness.

Is It Worth Doing A Job You Don’t Like?

Staying at a job that you hate will normally enhance your desire to find a new one, and make you more mindful of what you want for your future. See your situation as a learning exercise and apply your findings to the job seeking process.

Final Thoughts

I must admit I’ve worked at a job that I haven’t been fond of for almost 9 years. It’s a long time to be unhappy doing something that takes up most of the week.

There have been ups and downs, and it has improved the past three years or so from an external, objective perspective. 

I know at least some of my displeasure has to do with how I internally process my experience at work, so I try to practice gratitude for at least having a job and try to appreciate the positive aspects when possible.

As with anything in life, try keeping a positive perspective.

Thanks for reading, please comment or follow the links.

Have you ever hated a job and how did you get through it? Let me know in the comment section.

Sources and other reading:

How To Cope With A Job You Dislike

How To Find A New Career

Work From Home Tips

Taking Extra Hours At Work

Does Shift Work Affect Our Health?

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