Were Humans Meant To Be Happy?

Did you know that as a species, human beings are not even biologically designed to be consistently happy?

Instead, primarily we’re designed to survive and reproduce.

These are difficult enough tasks, so we’re meant to struggle and strive, seek gratification and safety, fight off threats, and avoid pain.

Let’s examine further whether humans were even meant to be happy or not, and if not, what we can do about it in the 21st century.

Were Humans Meant To Be Happy?

Do Humans Naturally Want To Be Happy?

It’s human nature, and feels natural, to want to be happy. But most of us know relatively little about the science behind the emotion.

Scientists are just beginning to gain insight into how the human brain processes emotion, the various chemical processes involved, and how they affect our thoughts and behaviours.

Were Human Beings Meant To Be Happy?

Humans aren’t supposed to be eternally happy, so why do we often beat ourselves up or feel something is wrong for not feeling joyous all the time?

In fact humans are not designed to be happy, or even content.

As mentioned, we’re designed just to survive and reproduce like every other creature in the natural world.

A state of contentment is discouraged by nature because it would lower our guard against any possible threats to our survival.

If we felt happy all the time, we might end up missing opportunities to improve, fight for what we believe in, or engage in some of the most meaningful endeavours of our lives.

What Makes Humans Happy Today?

There are thought to be three main factors that affect overall happiness today: meaningful relationships with others, maintaining a pleasant hobby or work environment, along with giving back to the community or those in need.

How Did Ancient Humans Have Fun?

They played various games, told each other stories, and played music.

Actually, music has always been one of our most popular hobbies, it’s believed to have been around about as long as people have. Human beings have played music for at least 43,000 years.

Were People In The Past Happier?

While they may not have had lives as good as ours in certain obvious ways, people in the past would be happier with less.

It can also be said that people in the past were less motivated by material pursuits.

What Type Of People Are Happiest?

Happy people are normally warm, considerate, respectful, helpful, and pleasant to be around.

They don’t take part in envy, jealousy, or gossip, and they don’t waste time complaining.

They use positive, rather than negative language.

What Is The Happiest Country In The World?

Based on several studies most of 2023’s happiest countries are in Europe. Finland, for example, holds the top spot as the world’s happiest country, as it has for the last six years.

Final Thoughts

When we’re not happy we tend to believe something’s wrong with us. 

Indeed, if you’re struggling to find any joy in life you could be suffering from any of several mental health issues and it’s a good idea to seek help or get evaluated.

But for many of us the ups and downs of life are simply something that needs to be navigated like a ship sailing through the waves of the ocean.

When we feel down or stuck, remember it’s probably our genetic make-up and hardwiring that’s giving us a signal to change things up or try different solutions.

Thanks for reading please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

You Aren’t Built To Be Happy

The Origin Of Emotions

The Concept Of Human Nature

The Science Of Emotions

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3 thoughts on “Were Humans Meant To Be Happy?

  1. The hyper-complexity of modern life has added layers of stressors that our ancestors did not have to deal with, potentially diluting our happiness quotient. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting perspective. I definitely agree with your point that nature designed us mainly for the functional purposes of surviving and reproducing. Nature doesn’t really care about things like our happiness, contentment, suffering, etc.

    Therefore, we ourselves have to become proactive in making our lives positive and fulfilling.

    Liked by 1 person

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