How To Be More Creative

Creative people can sometimes experience self-doubt and perfectionism.

Those working in creative professions may feel the pressure of constantly needing to perform, or having to generate new ideas.

Let’s discuss how we may become more creative.

How To Be More Creative

Why Do I Lack So Much Creativity?

If we’re working in a creative field, our problem might be that we’re experiencing a lot of pressure.

In this case, we need to be creative to make money.

The thought of having to come up with good ideas just to make a living can paralyze us and block our creativity entirely.

What Makes Me More Creative?

We can start by challenging ourselves and creating opportunities.

Try looking for more difficult approaches to things, try out some new ideas, avoid always returning to the same solutions you’ve used in the past.

What Drains Creativity?

Procrastination can drain our creative spirit. Putting off work for a few days because we don’t feel like we have enough mental energy is nothing to worry about.

But if we procrastinate for long periods of time or ignore important deadlines, it might be a sign of creative burnout.

How Do We Fix Lack Of Creativity?

  • Unplug, or try just doing nothing.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Set the right mood or ambience.
  • Do something you love to do.
  • Find inspiration from others.

What Are The Traits Of A Creative Person?

  • Being open-minded.
  • Having a sense of playfulness.
  • Curiosity and a love of learning new things.
  • A sense of independence.
  • Having the willingness to take risks.
  • An ability to adapt to changing situations.

Why Do I Feel Like I Am Not Creative?

We may be not feeling creative because we’re not blocking off enough time for effortless activities, are not finding ourselves in a positive mind state, or are not challenging ourselves enough.

If we work on these things, we’ll be able to engage our creative muscles more consistently.

Ways to Become a More Creative Person

  • Embrace boredom.
  • Draw, paint, or doodle.
  • Do something physical.
  • Make enough time for play.
  • Journal.
  • Try a new recipe.
  • Listen to a podcast.
  • Habitually generate more ideas than you think you need.

How Do We Spark Creativity?

  • Get inspired by nature.
  • Change up your routines.
  • Take a shower, or soak in a hot bath.
  • Go outside.
  • Sleep on it.
  • Daydream.
  • Surround yourself with inspiration.
  • Get emotional.
  • Listen to music.

What Problems Do Creative People Face?

As mentioned, creative individuals can often experience self-doubt and perfectionism.

They might question their abilities, worry about the originality of their ideas, or sometimes become critical of their own work.

It can lead to a constant feeling of dissatisfaction, preventing them from finishing projects or sharing their work with others.

Final Thoughts

Try putting away your digital devices, even for just an hour.

Instead of constantly taking in more information, give your mind a rest and allow your ideas to flow out from the inside.

Thanks for reading, please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

Train Your Brain To Be More Creative

Taking Risks In Life

Am I Too Old To Learn An Instrument?

The Benefits Of Doing Nothing

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8 thoughts on “How To Be More Creative

  1. Changing routines, getting inspired by nature, and surrounding oneself with inspiration are effective strategies. Also It’s important to address self-doubt and perfectionism to prevent dissatisfaction . Thanks for sharing .

    Liked by 1 person

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