Are The Best Things In Life Free?

We’ve all heard the saying that “The best things in life are free“.

But is it true? Or is it just something someone came up with to make ourselves feel better about being broke?

There’s no doubt there are certain things in life where currency has no value, such as friends, family, and good memories.

Let’s talk about whether the best things in life are indeed free or not.

Are The Best Things In Life Free?

Are The Best Things In Life Really Free?

Well, it’s decidedly subjective, and can be interpreted in various ways.

Some people believe that the most valuable and fulfilling aspects of life, such as love, friendship, health, and happiness, can’t be bought with money and are indeed free.

These are often considered essential elements for a meaningful and satisfying life.

But we also can’t deny that many things in life do come with a cost, and financial resources are often necessary for basic needs, education, and opportunities.

What’s The Meaning Behind The Best Things in Life Are Free?

Essentially it means those things that cost money should not be prioritized over free things like family and friends.

That those free things are, in the end, worth more than anything money could buy.

The proverb suggests that there really are things in life that do not only come through hard work and sweat. Certain things come to us without an exchange of money or valuable possessions.

What Does It Mean When Someone Says Nothing Is Free?

Conversely, the phrase “Nothing comes free in life” means that everything has a cost or a price, and that there are no completely free things in life.

In other words, everything that’s worth having or achieving requires effort, sacrifice, or some form of payment or exchange, whether that be time, money, energy, or resources.

What Are Some Of The Most Important Things In Life?

What Are Some Other Great Free Things In Life?

  • Hugs.
  • Smiles.
  • Sleep.
  • Laughter.
  • Happy memories.
  • Companionship.

Final Thoughts

Marketing in today’s modern world is all-pervasive.

Everywhere we look we’re told that we’re not good enough, and that by spending our hard-earned cash or swiping our plastic we’ll be able to buy a little slice of happiness or satisfaction.

But we normally don’t have to pay for the things that are valuable, like love, friendship, and good health.

Some of the best things in life are the people and pets we love, the places we’ve seen, and the memories we’ve made along the way.

So many of us take our health for granted until something life-changing happens, and our health becomes at risk.

Admittedly, while meaningful relationships and experiences may not have a price tag, the quality of our lives can be influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, access to resources, and personal circumstances.

Ultimately, the concept of the best things in life being free is a philosophical perspective, and different individuals will have varying views based on their experiences, values, or priorities.

Thanks for reading, please tell me what you think in the comments, or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

The Best Things In Life Are Free

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Avoiding Comparisons

How To Learn A New Skill

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3 thoughts on “Are The Best Things In Life Free?

  1. I agree with your point that some of the most valuable and fulfilling aspects of life, such as love, friendship, health, and happiness, can’t be bought with money and are indeed free. These intangible elements often provide us with a sense of contentment and satisfaction that money can’t buy.

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