How To Get Out Of A Rut in Life

One of the biggest indicators that we’re stuck in a rut is when it feels like our life is on a negative playback loop.

I know the feeling well from experience, and a semblance of hopelessness can set in when we feel as if we can’t find a resolution to our problems.

Nothing seems exciting or fun. We can’t even remember the last time we felt pure joy.

These are obvious signs we need to figure out a way to get out of a rut in life.

How To Get Out Of A Rut in Life

What Causes An Emotional Rut?

Sometimes an emotional rut might be a result of our personal relationships, our professional relationships, or our job itself.

What we need to try figuring out first is the source of the emotional state and the effect it has on us. While many emotional ruts might look the same, the effect on each person’s mental health can differ.

Write Down The Source Of Your Personal Rut

Although it might sound basic, start by writing down whatever you feel is keeping you in a rut.  This will allow you to become more familiar with the issues you’re having.

How To Get Out Of A Rut in Life

  • Evaluate your situation.
  • Focus on your emotional and physical wellness.
  • Set smaller goals.
  • Consider a change of scenery.
  • Step outside of your comfort zone.
  • Spend time with loved ones.
  • Speak to a mental health professional.

Set Small Goals

Let’s say that you’ve concluded your main issue is that you really dislike your job. A reasonable goal could be I want to find a better job.

A noble goal indeed, but it’s better to chop that up into smaller, more attainable goals. Think about it like this:

  1. Update my resume.
  2. Research job or career opportunities.
  3. Begin looking for job openings online.
  4. Send out applications or apply to 5 jobs online.
  5. Schedule my first job interview at a company.
  6. Get hired at my new job.

Build A Strong Network

The people around us can either be inspiring and nurturing or drag us down and keep us stuck.

The people we work with, socialize with, even listen to on YouTube or legacy media are all part of our network.

Choose your network wisely and cut out any negative influences. If this includes close family or work associates, you may have to simply limit the amount of time you spend around them or listening to them.

Spend time with people you care about most, and those who have a positive influence on your happiness.

Accept The Process May Take Time

The negative feelings or emotions that we may be experiencing can be the result of things that may have already been ongoing for years.

The habits that we may have slowly built during our lives won’t always be easy to change.

Accept that it will probably take some time to get out of a rut. Finding long-term happiness again is a process that can’t be rushed.

Participate In Physical Activities

Physical exercise increases our brain’s production of dopamine. This neurotransmitter helps one to feel motivated and take action in life.

An increase in dopamine levels are often associated with less anxiety and more relaxation, allowing us to think creatively and come up with new solutions.

When you feel stuck, stop overthinking as much and start engaging the body. You could hit the gym, do a few sit-ups in your bedroom, walk around the neighborhood, or just dance in your living room.

Just moving your body can help you get unstuck and start doing something more productive again. Remember to prioritize your sleep and eat a nutritious diet. Get outside, breathe fresh air, and get yourself exposed to sunlight.

Final Thoughts

You may currently be ending each day feeling tired and rundown, or even starting out the day that way.

Limit your self “victim talk” when it comes to ruts in your own life.

Again, speaking from experience, it’s not always easy. But we can escape the worst of situations by what and how we choose to think.

Thanks for reading, please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

How to Get Out of a Rut

How to Be Happy Again

What is Some Good Advice?

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