The Mental Health Benefits Of Routine

An effective routine can help reduce stress, which can lead to better mental health, more time to relax, and less anxiety.

But at the same time change or variety can be good for us, and as the saying goes, variety can be the spice of life.

Let’s talk routines and mental health.

The Mental Health Benefits Of Routine

What Does Routine Do To Your Brain?

Routines help our brain to conserve energy and minimize risks.

This makes sense from a neurobiological perspective, and it’s even essential for survival. However it can also have adverse effects on us, for example, when we develop a bad habit.

Does Routine Affect Mental Health?

As mentioned, routine can help reduce stress, which can lead to better mental health, giving us more time to relax and less anxiety. Routines like our sleep schedule and bedtime habits affect our mental sharpness, emotional well-being and energy.

Can Lack Of Routine Cause Anxiety?

When we don’t have a routine or structure to our day it can sometimes cause increased stress and anxiety, as well as overwhelming feelings, lack of concentration, and focus.

A lack of structure or routine can actually exacerbate feelings of distress and make us pay more attention to the source of our problems.

Should I Change My Daily Routine?

As also mentioned, change can be good for us.  Some of the benefits may improve both mental and physical health.

Brain functioning itself could improve from switching up one’s routine every now and then. If you feel stuck in a schedule and the same routine day after day, try doing something different every once in a while, and see how you feel after.

Why Is It So Hard To Break Routine?

Habits can have a powerful influence on behaviour, often shaping our daily actions without our conscious awareness. Habits can become deeply ingrained in our neural pathways, making them often difficult to modify or break.

How Do You Break Routine Habits?

Replacing the old habit with a different one is a strategy that often succeeds.  We might have an easier time breaking a habit if we replace the unwanted behavior with a new behaviour, instead of simply trying to stop the unwanted behaviour. Say we wanted to stop reaching for candy when hungry at work, replace it with a healthier alternative like nuts or seeds.

What Are Some Unhealthy Mental Habits To Change?

Old habit: Comparing yourself with the people around you.

New plan: Thinking about what makes you special.

Old habit: Track who disappoints you.

New plan: Noticing who comes through for you.

Old habit: Overthinking everything.

New plan: Focus mainly on what you can control.

What About When Life Feels Too Routine?

Try to mix up your routine, move around your schedule, add new elements, and get rid of a few stale activities.

You may find the novelty of your new routine bringing some much-needed excitement to your life. To avoid getting yourself stuck in a rut again, make sure to do this often, maybe once every couple of months.

Why Am I Obsessed With Routine?

People that have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) may feel the urge to check things repeatedly or perform routines for more than an hour each day as a way of achieving temporary relief from anxiety.

If OCD symptoms remain untreated, these behaviours can disrupt work, school, and personal relationships and can cause feelings of distress.

Is Routine Good Or Bad For ADHD?

If you have ADHD, creating a routine can help you manage your symptoms, boost productivity, and improve overall well-being.

What Habits Will Improve My Life?

  • Appreciate more.
  • Make time for exercise.
  • Create a morning ritual.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Do more reading.
  • Master the art of listening.
  • Learn to single-task.
  • Be more impulsive occasionally.

What Is The Meaning Of Variety Is The Spice Of Life?

Variety is the spice of life is an old expression that means life is more interesting when one tries new things to vary one’s experiences. It encourages us to branch out and to keep out of a rut.

Final Thoughts

I realize this post was stradling both sides of the benefits and non-benefits of having a routine, but our thoughts can generally get complex when dealing with this issue. 

If you feel stuck in a schedule and the same routine day after day, try doing something different occasionally, and see how you feel.

If you’re stuck in a slump, identify the cause. Examining why can help you start pulling yourself out and moving forward.

Thanks for reading please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

The Mental Health Benefits of Routine

How To Cope With Change

How To Stop Overthinking

How To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

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