Building Your Resilience

When we say resilience, we’re talking about a person’s ability to cope with life despite the fear, stress and worry that we often naturally feel.

It’s about dealing with our problems and building strengths that protect and promote wellbeing.

Let’s talk about how to build resilience in life.

Building Your Resilience

What Are The Signs Of A Resilient Person?

Some characteristics of resilience include general awareness, self-control, and having unique or persistent problem-solving skills.

Resilient people are usually aware of situations, their emotional reactions, and the behaviours of those around them.

Why Do People Lack Resilience?

Lower resilience often comes from taking on too much too fast and setting ourselves up for failure.

It can come from low self-esteem, whereby we don’t have enough faith in ourselves or our abilities, so we’re less likely to adapt gracefully to stressful situations.

Can Resilience Be Taught?

The good thing is that resilience skills can be learned. 

Through challenging experiences and dealing with the emotions that come with those, we can learn to deal with stress in more constructive ways.

What Are The Predictors Of Resilience?

  • Vision.
  • Composure.
  • Tenacity.
  • Reasoning.
  • Collaboration.
  • Health.

How To Be Emotionally Resilient

  • Build self-acceptance.
  • Improve stress management techniques.
  • Build self-esteem.
  • Be mindful and focused on the present.
  • Express emotions wisely.
  • Choose to react to stress in a way that won’t harm the self or those around us.

What Type Of People Are Resilient?

Highly resilient people usually have a solid sense of what they consider right and wrong, and it tends to guide their decisions.

They have a belief in something greater than themselves, often found through religious or spiritual practices.

Can Trauma Build Resilience?

The resilience that abused children have shown in their ability to adapt following a traumatic event is significant.

Some kids use dissociation to adapt, while others may use people pleasing.

While these adaptations work to a point in the short-term, they’re not healthy and are thought to become cumbersome later in life.

How Do I Become More Resilient When Life Is Difficult?

  • Practice acceptance.
  • Build social connections.
  • Practice self-care.
  • Engage in valued activities.
  • Make adjustments at work.
  • Make family or parenting adjustments at home.
  • Limit news and media consumption.

What Role Does Resilience Play In Mental Health?

Resilience is a prominent factor in protecting and promoting good mental health.

It can define an individual’s ability to successfully adapt to life tasks in the face of social disadvantage or highly adverse conditions.

How Does Resilience Help With Depression?

Resilient people have the courage of their convictions and are less saddled with self-doubt. 

Resilient people recognize their self-worth and learn to appreciate how unique they are.

Depressed people are often known to be dissatisfied with themselves and are very critical of what they see as flaws.

What Are Some Ways To Develop Or Build Resilience?

  • Learn from experience, including your mistakes and failures.
  • Remain hopeful.
  • Be proactive.
  • Build your connections.
  • Join a group.
  • Take care of your mind and body.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Avoid negative thoughts.
  • Help others unconditionally.
  • Move toward your goals.
  • Learn to relax.
  • Practice thought awareness.
  • Choose your response wisely.
  • Maintain perspective.
  • Set yourself some goals.
  • Build your self-confidence.

Final Thoughts

Being resilient doesn’t mean that we won’t experience difficulty or distress. 

Emotional pain, sadness, and anxiety are very common when we have suffered major trauma or personal loss, or even when we hear of someone else’s loss or trauma.

Connecting with other empathetic and understanding people can remind us that we’re not alone during difficult times.

Please comment or follow the links, thanks for reading.

Sources and other reading:

Building Your Resilience

How To Stay Hopeful

Is Perfectionism Healthy?

What Is Taoism All About?

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