How To Set Goals

We often avoid setting goals because they may feel too difficult for us.

We may not be prepared to make ourselves feel inadequate by taking something on and failing.

A lot of us don’t like to feel vulnerable in the face of challenges, but that vulnerability forces us to find strength, and this is when we grow.

Let’s discuss how to set goals.

How To Set Goals

What Are Examples Of Goals And Objectives?

Goals can be both intangible and non-measurable, but objectives are defined in terms of tangible targets.

For example, a goal to provide excellent customer service is intangible, but the objective to reduce customer wait time to two minutes is tangible and helps in achieving the main goal.

What Is An Example Of Goal Setting?

A basic example of a goal can be something like: I will read one book every 15 days for the entire year.

A more specific goal would be: I will read one book every 15 days for the entire year by starting with books in my own personal library.

And an even more specific measurable goal would be: I aim to complete reading a book every 15 days by spending 30 minutes of my free time on the task on a daily basis.

What Are The Most Popular Goals?

Personal health and fitness goals were the most common seen in surveys of goal setters from a recent study. Financial goals were also near the top.

Is It Ok To Not Have Goals In Life?

You only fail if you don’t get to where you wanted to go, and if you don’t have a destination in mind, there’s really no failure.

Ambition plays a part, and it’s really up the individual what they want to achieve in life.  However, even the most unmotivated among us can find value in goal setting of some kind.

How Many Goals Should You Start With?

Use the quality, not quantity rule when setting your goals.

Think of the relative importance of everything that you want to accomplish over the next six to twelve months. Then pick no more than a small number, say three goals to focus on.

What Is A Common Personal Goal?

What If I Don’t Have Goals?

Without goals, there is often no motivation.

We may drift and drifting often doesn’t lead to happiness or fulfillment the way moving towards an exciting goal can electrify our life.

Why Am I So Ambitionless?

We may lack ambition because we’re pursuing something due to external influences instead of intrinsic motivation.

We may have underlying fears, or mental health conditions like depression. Believing that we’re less ambitious now than we have been previously can also feel unsettling and unmotivating.

Why Can’t I Follow Through On Anything?

People struggle with follow-through for various reasons, including simply being unwilling to act.

We could find ourselves being stuck in a negative thought pattern, or even failing to recognize deeper motivations we haven’t considered.

How Do You Set Goals When You Have None?

Start with what you already enjoy.  Whether it’s a sport or activity that really excites you or a hobby you’ve always been interested in trying.

Take this as a starting point and outline about five or ten things which you really like. Of those things you’ve listed, is there one that might have a goal within them?

What Is A Short-Term Goal?

A short-term goal is something you want to accomplish soon or in the near future. The near future can mean today, this week, this month, or even later this year.

Conversely, something that will take you a long time to accomplish is called a long-term goal and may involve being broken down into several short-term goals.

How Do I Start Setting My Goals?

  • Set both short and long-term goals.
  • Set goals that motivate you.
  • Write your goals down.
  • Break your goal down. This is especially important for big goals.
  • Adjust your goals as necessary.
  • Reward yourself when you meet a goal.

What Are The Steps Of Setting Goals?

  • Decide what your goals or objectives are.
  • Set a deadline.
  • List all activities needed to achieve the goal.
  • Organize your goals into a plan by priority.
  • Take action.
  • Use each day to do something toward achieving your goal.

What Are Good Examples Of Life Goals?

  • Become an inspiration to others.
  • Master a difficult skill.
  • Travel to your dream country.
  • Double your personal income.

What Are Some Traits Linked To Successful People?

  • They are goal-oriented.
  • They are passionate about what they do.
  • They are adaptable.
  • They network effectively.
  • They are resilient.
  • They are disciplined.
  • They are driven by a sense of purpose.

Final Thoughts

Develop a growth mindset. 

Overnight success stories only happen in the movies, in real life successful people have usually had to work hard or at least smart to get to where they are.  And it often began with some modest goal setting.

Ask yourself why you’re setting a goal before you set out to do so.  Set goals about things you can control.

Phrase your goal in a positive tone, and for each goal, create an action plan and a to-do list.

Thanks for reading, please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

What Is Goal Setting?

How To Stay Motivated

Work From Home Tips

How To Avoid Burnout

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23 thoughts on “How To Set Goals

  1. Agree that setting specific goals provided in this post can be less stressful including
    “A more specific goal would be: I will read one book every 15 days for the entire year by starting with books in my own personal library” and one of your other suggestions “a goal to provide excellent customer service is intangible, but the objective to reduce customer wait time to two minutes is tangible and helps in achieving the main goal.” Good suggestions

    Liked by 1 person

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