Am I Too Picky?

Being too picky or fussy can manifest itself in many areas of life.

From important choices like choosing our relationships or taking a job, to more inconsequential things like sending our food back at a restaurant for a minor issue, being too picky can sometimes be detrimental.

Let’s talk about if we’re being too picky in life, and how to improve if needed.

Am I Too Picky?

What Is A Picky Personality?

Someone who is picky is often difficult to please and usually only likes a small range of things. 

Some people are very picky about who they choose to share their lives with including friends, acquaintances, or potential partners.

Why Am I So Picky With Everything?

Sometimes being picky is just that.  We all have our preferences but here we are talking about something a bit more than that.

And overly picky people are quite often perfectionists.  Perfectionism is involved in several mental health conditions and can harm our well-being.

Research suggests that people high in perfectionism also tend to have lower cognitive flexibility.

Why Am I Being So Picky?

Pickiness is sometimes a sign that we have a problem with our sense of self.  This manifests itself in many different shapes and forms.

It’s less about perfecting things, and more about perfecting our identity.

Why Am I So Hard To Please?

We all know someone that is impossible to please, critical, judgmental, picky, and stubbornly closed-minded.

These are often symptoms of a disorder called obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, and it’s common for these people to have some or all these qualities.

Is Picky Eating Psychological?

Most kids who are picky eaters are expected to grow out of it by adolescence.

When those who don’t grow out of their picky eating habits, and develop what’s known as selective eating disorder, it could signal more serious mental health issues, like depression and anxiety.

Are Picky Eaters Born Or Made?

Some kids are naturally more sensitive to taste, smell and texture.

Other children develop picky eating habits because of the influence of their parents’ fussy eating habits.

Picky eating habits can become more likely to develop when parents punish, bribe or reward their children’s eating behaviors.

Why Are Some Adults Still Picky Eaters?

Many times, a childhood dining scare from choking or vomiting may cause lingering fear of one or more foods.

Food memories are very powerful memories, and social anxiety associated with picky eating can sometimes increase with age.

Can You Make Yourself A Less Picky Eater?

Don’t just dive right in and serve up a plate of whatever it is you’re trying to eat more of.

Try the food mixed in or paired with some other foods you like, or add a seasoning blend or some sauces you like to improve the taste a bit.

Tips For Fixing Picky Eating In Children

  • Try eating the food yourself first to show them you like it.
  • Give them a choice of different foods for them to try.
  • Serve new foods with foods you know they already like.
  • Wait a few days before offering the food again.

Am I Being Too Picky With Dating?

If we know that we have a type and we judge potential dates solely on that, refusing to date anyone who doesn’t fit that type, then we’re being too picky.

How Do I Stop Being Picky In A Relationship?

  • Keep an open mind, don’t judge too quickly.
  • It’s fine to have specific qualities you are looking for in a partner but be flexible and realize nobody is perfect.
  • Deal with your fears by asking yourself what has made you so picky.

Final Thoughts

There’s nothing wrong with having high standards for yourself.

Obviously, there are times in life where being picky about something is a good thing.

But pickiness can become all-consuming.  It encourages us to fixate on the things that may not matter and prevents us from living and enjoying ourselves.

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Sources and Other Reading:

Picky About Everything

Healthy Eating Tips

Is Perfectionism Healthy?

The Mental Health Benefits Of Routine

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