How To Take Life Less Seriously

When we don’t leave room for fun and won’t let go of our problems, we miss out on the living part of life.

And when we can’t make time to think positively about our lives, talk to our friends, or laugh with our families, maybe we’re taking things too seriously.

Let’s discuss how to take life less seriously.

How To Take Life Less Seriously

Is It Good To Not Take Life Seriously?

By not taking life so seriously, we open ourselves up to a life of deeper fulfillment and less stress.

However, that can be easier said than done.

Why Do I Take Life Too Seriously?

We may have a fear of letting go.

Fear is what keeps us stagnant, and keeps us from moving forward. People often fear what others think, taking ourselves and our lives too seriously, which goes hand-in-hand with fear.

A simple example is when we might be afraid to bust loose on the dance floor, just out of fear of being judged.

How Do You Know If You Take Everything Too Seriously?

  • You seem to rarely have time to unwind.
  • You are are strict with others and yourself.
  • You avoid activities out of your comfort zone.
  • You constantly worry about the smaller things.
  • You don’t often joke around with friends, family, or co-workers.
  • You constantly explain yourself.

How Do I Take Everything Less Seriously?

Start by surrounding yourself with fun, supportive people.

Take note of the friends you already have and new people you meet that seem to laugh effortlessly and encourage you to do the same.

Even when not around these people, imagine what those friends would think of how seriously you’re taking a current challenge or issue.

How To Stop Taking Life Too Seriously

  • Don’t engage in comparison.
  • Focus on the good in your life.
  • Recognize and appreciate the joyful moments.
  • Remember that you’re never alone.
  • Identify negative thinking patterns.
  • Ask yourself if your current problem will matter 5 years from now.
  • Learn coping skills for times that feel stressful.

How Do I Stop Being So Uptight?

  • Go for a walk.
  • Focus on your breathing.
  • Meditate.
  • Get a massage.
  • Yoga.

How Can I Loosen Up Socially?

  • Breathe deeply.
  • Pretend like they’re all good friends.
  • Ask the right questions and be genuinely interested in people.
  • Focus on the external.
  • Practice relaxing in social situations.
  • Take your time getting there, feeling rushed can worsen any social anxiety you may feel.

Why Am I So Weird And Awkward?

It’s normal to experience nervousness when you put yourself out there.

If you feel inhibited by your shyness or that it’s preventing you from socializing, it could be time to talk to someone about potential underlying mental health concerns.

But typically this is something that we all feel to some degree.

What Is The Psychology Of Uptight People?

Uptight people will often see themselves as important, refined, intelligent adults who are above the silliness some people engage in.

They may think they’re more mature than their peers and look down on their goofy antics, or they simply may feel the need to come across as in control at all times.

How Do I Stop Making Everything About Myself?

The only way to really stop making everything about yourself is to become more self-aware.

Recognizing you may have a tendency to look at things as if the world revolved around you is the first step in reshaping that worldview towards a more balanced, healthy perspective.

Why Do I Get Socially Drained So Easily?

Social interaction can fuel certain people, especially extroverts.

For introverts, the same level of social interaction can instead be draining at times.

While introverts can appreciate socializing, they may expend a lot of energy trying to navigate socially demanding environments, which can lead to social exhaustion.

How Do You Loosen Up Mentally?

  • Laugh at yourself.
  • Let go of your need for control.
  • Embrace mistakes for what they teach us.
  • Just roll with what happens.
  • Visualize realistic outcomes.
  • Let go of unrealistic expectations.
  • Do silly things on purpose.

Why Is Life So Hard For Human Beings?

Life is full of immense beauty and indescribably joy.

But it also holds difficult and emotionally draining things like grief, loss, rage, unfairness and inequality. 

Let’s not forget about hate, regret, sadness, misery, and so many more instances and feelings that make life just hard to get through at times.

Don’t beat yourself up over feeling down, worrying about stuff, or being uptight once in a while.  It’s very understandable, so cut yourself some slack, every person goes through tough times.

How Do You Take Things Easy?

  • Stop putting things off.
  • Declutter your home.
  • Be intentional with your time.
  • Define your priorities.
  • Simplify your finances by budgeting and spending wisely.

Final Thoughts

Life is often perceived as hard because we have expectations that don’t always match what we see in our lives, and we have problems that we don’t expect or accept.

Write down everything that’s stressing you out and ask yourself what’s the worst possible thing that could happen.  You may often notice that even the worst-case scenario is often not worth the worry.

When we realize that life is a journey filled with some boring times, some good times, and some bad times we can see that our problems are simply a part of all that.

Thanks for reading, please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

Taking Yourself Too Seriously

How To Relax More

How To Stay Grounded

The Art Of Acceptance

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Jim Carrey on Arsenio Hall Thrash Metal (1992)

5 thoughts on “How To Take Life Less Seriously

  1. Embracing joy and laughter not only lightens our burdens but opens pathways to a richer, more fulfilling life, beautiful blog.

    Liked by 1 person

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