How Does Age Affect Happiness?

When it comes to happiness and contentment, our lives don’t have to follow a decline from the sunny days of our youth to the perceived valley of death of old age.

Instead, the opposite can often be true.  Many of us can even confidently look forward to our senior years as the happiest time of our lives.

Why do some people grow happier as they age?

Is it an absence of stress, or do they focus more on what brings them joy?

Let’s talk about aging and happiness.

How Does Age Affect Happiness?

What Makes Older People Happy?

For many older adults, their family and close friends bring them joy. With just regular phone calls, visits, and kind acts, they will feel connected and cared for.

Another simple factor is that many of us don’t have jobs we enjoy that much.

When we retire, we have better days as we spend less time on activities that aren’t very enjoyable and cause high levels of stress. We also have more time to spend with others.

All of those factors may lift our spirits.

Why Exactly Do We Age?

Signs of aging are caused by many factors ranging from injuries from ultraviolet light over time, wear and tear on our bodies, to the by-products of metabolism.

Other theories view aging as a predetermined process controlled by genes.

There are thousands of genes in everyone’s DNA that focus on cell energy, skin formation, and antioxidant production.

Gene expression is the process by which the information encoded in our genes is turned into a function.

Those people we perceive as ageless express those genes differently, and often for longer while others wear out sooner as they age.

What Slows Down Aging?

Both genetics and lifestyle-related factors have an influence on our youthful appearance.

Findings suggest that eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables may help prevent damage that leads to premature skin aging.

Research studies also suggest that a diet containing lots of sugar or other refined carbohydrates can accelerate aging.

Drinking less alcohol can also help us to look and feel younger.

Does Age Matter In Life?

Age as a number is certainly not all that matters.

As people’s chronological age increases, happiness may increase for various reasons.

Partly it’s believed this is so because, in general, when we’re young adults, our focus is on what lies ahead, and when we’re older, our attention shifts to the things that are emotionally meaningful right now.

How Can I Be Happy After 65?

  • Take time out for the things you love.
  • Connect with new people.
  • Maintain your well-being.
  • Take part in your community.
  • Keep up with your hobbies and sports.
  • Travel where and when you can.
  • Expand your education.
  • Volunteer in your local area.

How Do You Accept Old Age?

  • Define your own path.
  • Practice self-acceptance.
  • Make friends with people of all ages.
  • Prioritize learning.
  • Stay active.
  • Think positively.

Why Do People Lose Joy In Life?

Most of us will experience multiple severe traumas and losses throughout our lives.

Loss of joy when these events happen is a natural part of the human experience.

For some people the lack of joy persists or appears out of the blue, and this may occur in a mood disorder like depression.

Why Are Some People So Unhappy?

Unhappiness is often a by-product of stress, anger, insecurity, unhealed trauma, frustration, low self-esteem, poor health, lack of connection, or lack of life purpose.

Eliminating habits or activities that make you unhappy can help.

How Do You Live With Someone Who Is Never Happy?

  • Listen without judgment.
  • Allow your loved one space to be unhappy.
  • Give yourself space from them.
  • Defend your own happiness.
  • Maintain appropriate boundaries.
  • Suggest professional help.
  • Remind yourself constantly that your loved one’s unhappiness is not your own.

Final Thoughts

Try to view aging in a more positive light.

Activity is a major determinant of how we feel from moment to moment.  Ultimately what determines our happiness is what we pay attention to and what we do.

Stay active and think positively.

Please comment or follow the links, thanks for reading.

Sources and other reading:

With Age Comes Happiness

Can We Become Happier As We Age?

What’s On Your Bucket List?

Remembering How To Have Fun

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