How To Maintain Friendships

In our fast-paced modern lives, maintaining long-term friendships requires intention, effort, and genuine care.

As we come to realize the older we get, that can be easier said that done.

Let’s discuss some tips for maintaining long-term friendships.

How To Maintain Friendships

Why Do Friendships Fade As We Get Older?

As we grow into adulthood, we begin to take on one responsibility after another.

Our 20’s and 30’s are often a time to focus on building a career or starting a family.

Friendships might get placed on the back burner as people begin to establish their financial and emotional independence.

What Does A True Friend Look Like?

While everyone has their own needs in a friendship, some common traits that make a true friend include honesty, loyalty, dependability, and empathy.

A true friend will listen and make you feel good when you’re together, and there will probably be little to no drama in the relationship.

Can A 40-Year-Old Be Friends With A 20-Year-Old?

Friendship is not limited by age, and people from different age groups can form meaningful connections based on shared interests, experiences, and values.

Also, friendships across generations can provide valuable perspectives and opportunities for learning and growth for both parties.

Is It Ok To Cut Off Old Friends?

Sometimes friendships go sour, and although it can be hard to cut off a friend, keeping a toxic friend around can be draining.

In the long run, it’s better to cut ties, and find people that appreciate and support you.

Why Do I Struggle With Long Term Friendships?

It’s evident to many that new societal norms are playing a part in why a lot of us are struggling to keep up older friendships.

But it’s worth noting that people that are uncomfortable with others or prefer to be alone may have a harder time maintaining friendships.

Personality issues such as being too pushy or somewhat controlling can be off-putting to others. While it’s rare for someone to be completely incapable of forming friendships, there are individuals who may have difficulty developing and maintaining close relationships due to various factors such as personality traits, past experiences, mental health issues, or social skills deficits.

Talking to an objective third party such as a therapist can help reveal issues that interfere with friendships.

How To Maintain Friendships As An Adult

  • Make time for your friends, even when it’s challenging.
  • Regularly commit to something on the calendar.
  • Be present.
  • Communicate.
  • Show up for your friends, especially when it matters most.
  • Accept that friendships evolve and change.
  • Be yourself.
  • Make the first move.
  • Practice active listening.
  • Don’t be afraid to open up.

Other Tips To Help Nurture And Sustain Valued Connections

Communication is Key:

Regular and open communication forms the backbone of any lasting friendship. Try to check in with your friends regularly, whether through phone calls, texts, or face-to-face conversations.  Share your joys, concerns, and everyday experiences to stay connected on a deeper level.

Quality Over Quantity:

While it’s essential to stay in touch, the quality of your interactions matters just as much as the frequency. Be present in the moment when spending time with your friends, actively listen, and show genuine interest in their lives.  Quality interactions strengthen the bonds you share.

Be Supportive:

Life has its ups and downs, and friends are there to support each other through thick and thin. Celebrate their successes, empathize during challenging times, and offer a helping hand when needed. A supportive friend is a friend for life.

Forgiveness and Understanding:

No one is perfect, and conflicts are bound to arise.  Learn to forgive and understand, allowing room for growth in both yourself and your friends. Holding onto grudges can erode even the strongest of friendships, so practice empathy and let go of resentments.

Celebrate Differences:

Embrace the fact that no two individuals are the same. Respect and appreciate the differences that make each of you unique. Diversity in thought, interests, and perspectives can add richness to your friendship and contribute to personal growth.

Adapt to Change:

Life is dynamic, and circumstances change.  Friends may move, start families, or pursue different paths. Being adaptable and understanding of these changes ensures that your friendship can evolve without losing its essence.

Be Reliable and Trustworthy:

Building trust is fundamental to any lasting relationship.  Be reliable, keep your promises, and demonstrate that you can be counted on. Trust forms the foundation upon which enduring friendships are built.

Final Thoughts

By investing time, effort, and sincerity, we can cultivate and maintain long-term friendships that hopefully stand the test of time.

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Sources and other reading:

How To Maintain Friendships

Relationship Trust Issues

How To Fix A Broken Friendship

How To Make New Friends

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