How to Fix a Broken Friendship

Reconnecting with people you’ve known throughout life is important.

People with rewarding and supportive relationships have been shown to have better overall mental health.

It can also be important to reconnect and rebuild some of the relationships you may have neglected, or worse have ended due to personal conflict.

Let’s talk about friendships, reconnecting with old friends, and how to fix a broken friendship.

How to Fix a Broken Friendship

  • Take some time to cool down. Let go of your anger.
  • Look at any conflicts from the other person’s perspective.
  • Reflect on exactly what went wrong.
  • Ask if they’re willing to talk or communicate.
  • Hear them out when they talk or explain their side.
  • Apologize for any of your own negative behaviour.

You can allow the relationship to naturally grow back slowly if needed. Don’t expect to be best friends again after one conversation.

It’s great to break the ice, but often trust may also need to be re-built depending on your circumstances.

Sometimes it’s just regaining familiarity with someone that was once close, depending on how much time has elapsed. You both may have now become different people in a sense.

Is it Normal to Have Less Friends as You Get Older?

Yes, as we grow older, you may be more engaged in building your career, business, or taking care of your family. It’s normal and can be expected. Time constraints might mean that you can’t see your friends as often anymore.

Ways to Reconnect With an Old Friend

  • Meet up with mutual friends.
  • Send a quick text.
  • Share a memory or send an old photo.
  • Engage on social media.

Can Old Friends Become Friends Again?

Yes, rekindling a friendship is possible, so don’t give up on an old friend. It’s totally normal for friendships to change over time. Your friendship might even be stronger than what it once was.  Why not be the first to reach out, chances are you’ve come up in their thoughts also.

Is it Good to Reconnect with Old Friends?

Reconnecting with old friends might give you a new perspective on your current life, relative to how it was in the past.

Older friends can remind us of the people we were, and may help us reconnect to older parts of ourselves in that way.

Why Old Friends are the Best

They know everything about us and they’re usually well aware of our flaws and annoying habits. Like a loving family member, they accept us for who we are.

What Makes a Good Friend?

  • They don’t judge you.
  • They wouldn’t deliberately hurt you.
  • They laugh along with you.
  • They are kind and respectful towards you and others.
  • You enjoy being in their company.
  • They’re trustworthy and loyal.
  • A good friend will always be there for you.

Final Thoughts

The breakdown of friendships is part of life, and missing old friends is normal.

For myself, the memories of old friends that I haven’t seen for a long time also reminds me of a simpler, different era.  Not just reflecting on all of the dramatic technological advancements, but a time when I looked at the world maybe slightly differently. 

I was fortunate enough to see some old grade school friends recently and it was a very positive experience, I was glad to see that many seemed happy and healthy.

It can be more complicated when a friendship falls through over conflict.  But it’s still possible to reconnect if both sides are willing to put in the work.

I wish you luck if you’re considering reconnecting with an old friend, please tell me your experiences around this.  Is there a point where an old friend should be cut off permanently?

Read More:

How to Fix a Broken Friendship

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