Learning About Dopamine

When dopamine gets released in our brain, we feel a sense of temporary pleasure.

Having too much dopamine is linked to being more aggressive, competitive, and having poor impulse control.

Having lower levels of dopamine can make us less motivated and excited about things. It’s been linked to some mental illnesses including depression.

Let’s learn more about dopamine.

Learning About Dopamine

What Is Dopamine?

Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Our body makes it, and our nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells.

Dopamine is responsible for allowing us to feel pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. When we feel good that we have achieved something, it’s because we have a surge of dopamine in the brain.

Serotonin vs. Dopamine: What Are the Differences?

Dopamine and serotonin are both neurotransmitters, meaning they are chemical messengers in our brains which communicate via neurons.

When dopamine is released, we feel a sense of temporary pleasure. Serotonin, while similar to dopamine, creates a longer-lasting feeling of happiness or well-being.

Serotonin is associated with feelings of happiness, focus, and calmness, while dopamine is associated with feelings of rewards, motivation, and productivity.  Serotonin also helps regulate digestive functions including bowel function and appetite.

Dopamine helps control body movement and coordination.  Dopamine actually causes a feeling of hunger while serotonin suppresses that feeling. Dopamine is mostly stored in our brain while serotonin is found mostly in our gut.

What Instantly Releases Dopamine?

Dopamine is mostly involved in helping us feel pleasure as part of the brain’s reward system.

Sex, shopping, or even smelling cookies baking in the oven, are all things that can trigger dopamine release, or a dopamine rush.

Can You Be Addicted To Dopamine?

It’s not technically possible to be addicted to dopamine. It occurs naturally in our bodies, and we can’t directly take it like a food or drug.

However, based on the activity that we’ve assdociated with a dopamine rush, or high, we’re often left with a strong memory of the pleasure we felt.

This strong memory can prompt us to make an effort to experience it again by using drugs for example, or seeking out certain experiences.

What Triggers Bad Dopamine?

High levels of dopamine caused by drinking, drugs, gambling, playing video games, or using social media can trigger dopamine’s excitatory effects within us.

This excitement motivates us to continue the activity, which may eventually lead to addiction.

How Can I Increase Dopamine Naturally?

  • Eat protein.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Pay attention to gut health.
  • Get enough sunlight
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Meditate.
  • Listen to music you enjoy.

What Are The Symptoms Of High Dopamine?

Having too much dopamine in our system regularly can lead to conditions that include ADHD, binge eating, addiction and gambling.

It’s possible to have too much dopamine concentrated in some parts of the brain and not enough in other parts. As mentioned, high levels of dopamine are often linked to being more competitive, aggressive and having poor impulse control.

What Does Too Little Dopamine Feel Like?

Having low levels of dopamine can make us feel less motivated or excited about things. As mentioned, it’s linked to some mental illnesses including depression, schizophrenia and psychosis.

Does Alcohol Increase Dopamine?

Alcohol increases dopamine release.  It may contribute to the rewarding effects of alcohol and may therefore play a role in promoting alcohol consumption and addiction.

Does Heavy Drinking Deplete Dopamine?

While drinking will initially boosts a person’s dopamine levels, the brain adapts to the dopamine overload with continued alcohol use.

It eventually produces less of the neurotransmitter, reducing the number of dopamine receptors in the body and increasing dopamine transporters, which carry away the excess dopamine.

Does Coffee Increase Dopamine?

Caffeine increases the amount of dopamine in our brain by actually blocking its reabsorption into our bodies.

It doesn’t increase the amount of dopamine our bodies produce, but it slows the rate at which dopamine leaves our brains.

What Foods Increase Dopamine?

  • Chocolate.
  • All animal products.
  • Bananas.
  • Almonds.
  • Beets.
  • Apples.
  • Avocados.

Does Exercise Increase Dopamine?

Exercise increases our levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in our brains.  Exercise improves and regulates neurotransmitter levels, which helps us feel mentally healthy.

Does Sugar Affect Dopamine?

When we eat sugar, the brain produces huge surges of dopamine. This is actually similar to the way the brain reacts to the ingestion of substances like heroin and cocaine.

Is Depression Just Low Dopamine?

Dopamine alone may not directly cause depression, but having low levels of dopamine may cause specific symptoms that experts associate with the condition.

These symptoms can include a lack of motivation and difficulty concentrating.

How Do You Test For Low Dopamine?

We can test for low dopamine levels by taking a dopamine blood test.

Is There A Pill That Increases Dopamine?

Levodopa is a drug that increases dopamine in the brain, and has potential to reverse the effects of inflammation on brain reward circuitry, ultimately improving symptons of depression.

What Fruits Are High In Dopamine?

A diet rich with fruits and vegetables can boost dopamine levels, specifically apples, bananas, oranges, watermelon, strawberries, avocados, beets, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, velvet beans, lima beans, and peas.

What Activities Release The Most Dopamine?

Anything that gives us pleasure will trigger the release of dopamine.

This can range from a fun activity we enjoy, like dancing or cooking, to sex, shopping, and even certain drugs.

As mentioned, dopamine activates the reward pathway in the brain, leading us to desire these activities more.

Final Thoughts

Various things can stimulate dopamine like nicotine, gambling, or recreational drugs.

Where possible stick to natural and beneficial activities such as eating healthy foods, getting enough sunshine, or any physical activity you enjoy, all known to improve mood.

Thanks for reading, please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

Dopamine (Wikipedia)

The Science Of Emotions

Dealing With Addictions

What Are The Health Benefits Of Coffee?

Can Exercise Make Me Happier?

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