What’s on Your Bucket List?

A bucket list is a list of experiences or achievements that we may hope to have or accomplish during our lifetime.

Often a bucket list includes big or exciting accomplishments, travel, or fun things we’d like to experience.

Or it could just be a simple pleasure or lifelong dream that we’ve never made into a reality.

Let’s discuss this further.

What’s on Your Bucket List?

What’s A Bucket List And What’s The Purpose Of It?

A bucket list is a listing of experiences one wants to have before they die.

It’s usually an itemized list of goals people want to accomplish before they “kick the bucket”.  It’s a collection of goals, dreams and aspirations that we’d like to accomplish within our lifetime.

The basic meaning or purpose behind a bucket list is to keep track of your goals, and to take steps to achieving those goals, in order to maximize the incredible experiences in your life.

Are Bucket Lists A Good Idea?

Creating a bucket list can be a fantastic way to focus our thoughts and intentions and find direction in our lives.

Bucket lists can be specific or broad, depending on what we’d like to accomplish and how quickly we’d like to achieve each accomplishment.

Is It Healthy To Have A Bucket List?

Creating a bucket list can be inspirational.

While you may not complete every item on your list, you will likely complete some, and get more out of your life than if you hadn’t created the list.

These are the experiences you may remember the most in life, that may change who you are in a positive way.

What Goes On A Bucket list?

There can be different kinds of bucket lists that cover topics as varied as:

  • Life goals.
  • Travel destinations.
  • Fears to overcome.
  • Career goals.
  • Foods you want to try.
  • Bands you’d like to see.
  • Skills or hobbies you’d like to learn.

How Do You Make An Ultimate Bucket List?

Think about your interests and what you love to do, then think about how you can put those passions into action.

Those can be the foundation of your bucket list. 

Come up with both long and short-term Ideas.  By making sure you have things for both the short and long term, achieving those smaller goals can make you feel you can meet the bigger ones.

How Do I Start My Bucket List?

The easiest way to find great ideas for your bucket list items is to think about the things you’ve always want to do.

For example, if you always wanted to see the pyramids of Giza, go to the Grand Canyon, or climb Mount Everest since childhood, write it all down.

You’re still in dreaming mode, and nothing is too big or too small.

What’s The Opposite Of A Bucket List?

The reverse bucket list is straightforward. Rather than writing down all of the things you hope to achieve, instead write down a list of things you’ve already accomplished, things that make you feel proud.

It’s the exact opposite of a normal bucket list, and it’s an encouraging exercise to reflect on a life well lived.

What Are Some Bucket List Examples?

  • Visit your dream destination.
  • Sleep under the stars. 
  • Go back to school.
  • Learn how to paint.
  • Go skydiving.
  • Go on the most romantic date ever.
  • Read 50 books in a year.
  • Learn to bake.

Other Bucket List Ideas

  • Set a Guinness world record.
  • Learn to play chess.
  • Run a marathon.
  • Finish a classic novel.
  • Go bungee jumping.
  • Ride a roller coaster.
  • Go sky diving.
  • Read the entire bible.
  • Go snowboarding.

Final Thoughts

If there’s something that’s always been on your mind that you’ve wanted to do, just go do it.  Make the plan, write it down, make it real.

We should all be trying new things more often. There’s so much out there to be experienced that it’s almost crazy to not do anything about it.

This exercise has got me thinking about my own list that needs to be created, let me know about yours in the comments if you have one.

Have a great day thanks for reading, follow the links or leave a comment.

Sources and other reading:

Bucket List: 101 Things To Do Before You Die

Can I Learn How To Draw?

Living Without Regrets

Remembering How To Have Fun

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