Avoiding Comparisons

Although most of us try not to, we can all be guilty of comparing ourselves to others at times.

While it may sometimes motivate us to better ourselves, comparing ourselves constantly to others can lead to negative thoughts and feelings.

Let’s talk about avoiding comparisons.

Avoiding Comparisons

Why Is It Important To Avoid Comparisons?

Comparing ourselves to others is often unconsciously done, but it’s important to try to train ourselves to stop.

Too much comparison can lead to unhappiness and low self-esteem.  We become frustrated with ourselves for not being good enough or even angry with others.

Why Do We Compare Ourselves To Others?

Comparisons are a normal part of human cognition and can even be good for self-improvement.

When comparing ourselves to others, we get information about what we want and where we want to be, and we get valuable feedback on how we may measure up.

But that can also cause us a lot of psychological pain.

How Do We Avoid Toxic Comparisons?

Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we should be deciding what’s important for us and working on getting it in a calm way.

We should avoid trying to be someone that we’re not.

Embrace your quirks and differences and see them in a positive light. Just being unique in itself is a gift for all of us. 

Focus on your own path and be content with where you are.

What Is Comparison Syndrome?

When we find ourselves constantly comparing to others in an unhealthy way, we may suffer from comparison syndrome.

Other signs are frequently feeling like a failure when we learn of others’ achievements.

How To Deal With Comparing Yourself To Others

  • Limit your time on social media.
  • Remind yourself that money doesn’t buy happiness.
  • Use comparison as motivation if it benefits you in certain situations.
  • Focus on your own strengths.
  • Be aware of your triggers and avoid them.
  • Be happy for the success of others.

How Do You Avoid Comparison In The Workplace?

Evaluate your own performance, don’t worry about what others are doing.  If you start to feel yourself spiraling into comparison, take the focus off other people and put it on yourself.

Ask yourself, did you perform better this month than you did last month? Are you handling stress at work in a more acceptable fashion than you were before?

How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

  • Be grateful.
  • Encourage someone else.
  • If you’re going to compare, compare to your past self and recognize your improvements.
  • Realize comparison is just a state of mind.
  • Keep a diary of your wins.

Final Thoughts

Social media platforms bombard us with posts and content about what we lack. 

These can be huge comparison traps that encourage us to question aspects surrounding our own lives.

Another problem with focusing on the achievements of others is that it can make us dissatisfied with activities we were engaged in before that we enjoyed.

Just knowing that someone else has achieved a particular level of success can take the fun out of what we previously liked to do.

Don’t put extra pressure on yourself, and stop thinking of life as a competition.

Thanks for reading, please follow the links or leave a comment.

Sources and other reading:

Why Do Humans Compare Themselves To Others

Take A Break From The News

How To Unplug

Does Technology Affect Happiness?

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13 thoughts on “Avoiding Comparisons

  1. The blog post adeptly outlines why comparisons, although a seemingly intrinsic part of human nature, can take a toll on our mental well-being. It’s a crucial point because the exercise of comparison has become almost automated, given the amount of information we consume daily about people’s lives, especially through social media platforms. Thanks for sharing.

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