The Benefits Of Doing Nothing

In Western culture, and especially in North America, we’re constantly aware of the perception of others and that if we’re not doing enough, we might get called lazy.

You may be surprised to find out that there are actual benefits of doing absolutely nothing.

When we turn off all distractions, it allows space for our subconscious to expand, ultimately boosting our creativity.

The Benefits Of Doing Nothing

What Happens To Our Body When We Do Nothing?

When distracted, our mind often jumps to the most obvious answers when trying to solve problems.

But when we allow ourselves time to do nothing, we give our brain a chance to process experiences, consolidate memories, and reinforce learning.

Our resting state is a powerful tool for regulating our emotions and maintaining the ability to focus. Rest will help us make better decisions and be more productive.

What Does Taoism Say About Doing Nothing?

One of Taoism’s most important concepts is wu wei, which is often translated as “non-doing” or “non-action.” A better way to think of it, however, is as a paradoxical “action of non-action.”

Wu wei refers to cultivating a state of being in which our actions are quite effortlessly in alignment and flow of the elemental cycles of the natural world.

Essentially it’s a state of  “going with the flow” that is characterized by great ease and awareness. Without even trying, we’re able to respond perfectly to whatever situations arise.

Is It OK To Not Do Anything All Day?

Remember that it’s not wrong to turn off your to-do list for a day, or even a few days.

You’re not a bad, lazy person if you do it. Even if that means putting all your obligations on hold, be they to yourself, your boss or clients, or your family and friends, as long as they’re not urgent matters.

Is Doing Nothing Good For Mental Health?

Research shows that eliminating distractions, taking time to do nothing, and even daydreaming improves mental health, productivity and creativity. It can be said that sometimes we need to idle the engine and just be.

Why Is Doing Nothing Difficult?

When we have nothing to do, all we’re left with is how we feel. So, we distract ourselves from our unsettled feeling. But at some point, we need to learn how to be at peace with those feelings, and we can’t do that if we keep going all the time.

How To Start Doing Nothing?

  • Add a time block of “nothing” to your schedule.
  • Figure out how much time you can dedicate to doing nothing.
  • Be realistic with your to-do list.
  • Know when to push yourself and when to rest.

Why Can’t I Relax And Do Nothing?

Your emotional brain may be overactive.  When the brain’s emotional centres and fear centres are overactive, it can often be associated with depression and anxiety.

If you have this common brain pattern, you may be staying busy as a way to distract yourself from your anxious thoughts or feelings of hopelessness.

How Do I Relax And Not Take Life Too Seriously?

  • Identify your negative thinking patterns.
  • Focus on the good in your life.
  • Ask yourself if your problems will matter 5 years from now.
  • Recognize and appreciate the joyful moments.
  • Remember that you’re not alone.
  • Don’t engage in comparison with others.

How Can I Be OK With Doing Nothing?

You can try meditating. If doing nothing doesn’t sound like your thing necessarily, you can add something else into the mix, like meditating or listening to music.

When you have a busy mind, sitting down and doing nothing can be hard, and practicing meditation could help.

Final Thoughts

When we’re feeling down, stressed with work, or exhausted from day-to-day stress and anxiety, doing nothing is an excellent way of psychological detoxing.

Rest and relaxation are associated with improved focus, reduced stress, and enhanced creativity.

Boredom can also be a great catalyst for getting back on track, for thinking things through, allowing our minds the opportunity to slow down, wander and avoid distraction.

Please comment or follow the links, thanks for reading.

Sources and other reading:

Doing Nothing Has Mental Benefits

What Do Taoists Believe?

The Health Benefits Of Grounding

How To Relax More

How To Avoid Burnout

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11 thoughts on “The Benefits Of Doing Nothing

  1. Great post. I’m trying to learn how to do nothing. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but it definitely is a good way to detox.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the comment! I like unstructured time on my days off myself, I find it relaxing not having a big to-do list sometimes….

    Liked by 1 person

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