Letting Go Of The Past

It’s human nature to compare our present life to our past.  It’s also normal to compare ourselves to our past self.

But feeling unable to let go of the past can often lead to depression.

In times of emotional pain, we may end up thinking back to when we felt happier which can help motivate us in the present.

Let’s discuss letting go of the past.

Letting Go Of The Past

What Is It Called When We Can’t Let Go Of The Past?

The process of dwelling on past events that can’t be changed is called rumination.

Some of us are more likely to experience this than others, especially if we have an anxiety-prone personality.

Why Do People Struggle To Let Go Of The Past?

Feelings of unresolved anger, betrayal, and resentment are common for those who struggle to let go of a past event.

Anger and resentment can also occur in the aftermath of trauma or as a main feature of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Why Am I Emotionally Stuck In The Past?

Feeling stuck in the past might suggest we’re experiencing what we call traumatic stress symptoms.

Most people that go through traumatic events have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and support, they usually recover naturally.

How Do I Stop Living In The Past And Move On?

  • Let go of being a victim.
  • Identify any positive aspects of the experience.
  • Identify what you learned from the experience.
  • Take responsibility and allow yourself to process emotions.
  • Understand the reason for your attachment to the past.
  • Try writing out your thoughts.

Is Being Stuck In The Past Depression?

We may feel sadness or regret from an earlier point in our lives where we feel we could have made better decisions.  Looking back on the distant past can provoke symptoms of depression when we believe the present doesn’t measure up.

Do Depressed People Dwell On The Past?

People with depression tend to remember more negative personal memories and fewer positive personal memories than those without depression.

How Do You Heal Emotional Pain From The Past?

Openly expressing how we feel, reclaiming our power, making room for new experiences, and focusing on the lessons are a few ways to let go of emotional pain.

If you’re having a more serious time letting go, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional.

How Do I Let Go Of The Past And Live Life?

  • Focus on self-care.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Experience your emotions.
  • Learn acceptance.
  • Take responsibility.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Seek professional help.

How Do I Disconnect Myself From My Past?

  • Teach yourself to be present and mindful.
  • Turn letting go of the past into a must for yourself.
  • Work on your personal growth.
  • Identify your emotional habits.
  • Shift your focus to more positive thoughts of the present and future.
  • Condition your mind to a more positive mindset.
  • Create some empowering rituals such as prayer or reciting mantras.

Final Thoughts

We can be incredibly hard on ourselves when we make mistakes in life.  Pain has a way of making us feel stuck.

Many people try to avoid pain, but instead we should let ourselves feel emotional pain at times and realize it’s normal to have wistful thoughts of past events or good times that have come and gone.

Shift your focus to the present and have gratitude for the current blessings you do have. 

Personally, I tend to look back with rose-coloured glasses upon certain eras of my life without remembering all the negatives along the way. This can unnecessarily cause frustration with my present situation.

For example, I might think how wonderfully simple it was to be a kid, forgetting all the trials and tribulations that went along with growing up.

Thanks for reading, please comment or follow the links.

Sources and other reading:

Surprising Ways To Let Go O f Painful Feelings

How To Get Over An Ex

The Benefits Of Journaling

What Are The Flaws Of The Brain?

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11 thoughts on “Letting Go Of The Past

  1. I definitely struggle with that – living in the past – trying to follow this tips and stay focused on the present instead of dwelling on the past.

    Liked by 1 person

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